The purpose of the EAPCCT is to advance international knowledge on effective prevention, diagnosis, and management of poisoning.


Engage and unite professionals working in all fields contributing to clinical toxicology.


To be Europe’s leading professional association in clinical toxicology.

  • Enhance understanding of the principles and practice of clinical toxicology.
  • Advocate high professional standards for practice of clinical toxicology in poisons centres, hospitals and all areas managing poisoned patients
  • Encourage research to improve care in clinical toxicology and information on poisoning
  • Advance the collection, harmonisation, exchange and dissemination of data on poisoning
  • Provide expertise in clinical toxicology for engaging with industry, government authorities and international organisations to represent and promote the role of poisons centres
  • Promote education and training in clinical toxicology and related disciplines
  • Facilitate international multidisciplinary collaboration both within Europe and more widely


The articles of the Association are detailed in the EAPCCT’s Constitution which can be viewed here.


The EAPCCT co-sponsors the Journal CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, together with the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT), the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), and the Asia-Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT).


The EAPCCT is a member of the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX), and a member of Eurotox (Eurotox).

Last updated 13 01 2023