The Louis Roche Lecture
Louis Roche was a founder member of the Association and one of the dominant, pionieering and fiery spirits of the APCC's early years. He was Professor of forensic medicine in Lyon, France, and he took a genuine interest in the work and development of Poisons Centres and their necessary strong links with forensic toxicology departments. He emphasised the importance of studying all aspects of the poisoning problem and also realised that international collaboration was vital for the then small units dedicated to poisons information work and clinical toxicology. With his enthusiasm he created the basis for founding the EAPCCT.
After his death in 1998 the EAPCCT, in recognition of Professor Roche's initiative and achivements instituted a special 'Louis Roche Lecture' to be presented during the annual congresses in his memory. The honour of giving the dedicated lecture is given to members who are deemed to have contributed significantly to both the work and development of the Association and to the field of Clinical Toxicology in general. The invitees for the honour are given free reign to choose their presentation topic.
Louis Roche (1916-1997)
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After his death in 1998 the EAPCCT, in recognition of Professor Roche's initiative and achivements instituted a special 'Louis Roche Lecture' to be presented during the annual congresses in his memory. The honour of giving the dedicated lecture is given to members who are deemed to have contributed significantly to both the work and development of the Association and to the field of Clinical Toxicology in general. The invitees for the honour are given free reign to choose their presentation topic.
Louis Roche (1916-1997)
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Young Investigator Award
This award is designed to encourage young investigators to perform original research on a subject related to clinical toxicology or poison control, submit the research to the EAPCCT annual congress and to come to the congress to present their research.
Application Criteria
A Young Investigator’s Award will again be presented in 2023. A shortlist will be chosen by the Scientific Committee on the basis of the quality of the abstracts submitted. The winner will receive an honorarium of Euro 1000. To be considered for the award the person applying must fulfil the following criteria:
Young investigators are defined as <40 years of age on the last day of the Congress (Friday 27 May 2022). This will be confirmed prior to the prize being awarded by passport check. The young investigator must be the principal investigator of the research being presented. This means that they have taken the lead in performing the research and are the most appropriate person to present the research at the Congress. It is acceptable for the young investigator to have research collaborators over the age of 40 and these can be listed on the abstract. This might include a research supervisor. The research submitted must be original and must not have been published or presented at another conference. Applicants do not need to be members of the EAPCCT but they must attend the Congress to present the research. Previous winners are not eligible. Information is also available through the Congress Website.
Rules for the EAPCCT Young Investigator Award
Young investigators are defined as <40 years of age on the last day of the Congress (Friday 27 May 2022). This will be confirmed prior to the prize being awarded by passport check. The young investigator must be the principal investigator of the research being presented. This means that they have taken the lead in performing the research and are the most appropriate person to present the research at the Congress. It is acceptable for the young investigator to have research collaborators over the age of 40 and these can be listed on the abstract. This might include a research supervisor. The research submitted must be original and must not have been published or presented at another conference. Applicants do not need to be members of the EAPCCT but they must attend the Congress to present the research. Previous winners are not eligible. Information is also available through the Congress Website.
Rules for the EAPCCT Young Investigator Award
Judging the Winner
Those on the final shortlist will be invited to make an oral presentation of their work at the Young Investigator session at the Congress. Oral presentations for the award will take place in one session. The quality of presentations will be judged by at least 3 senior judges who are invited to do this by the Scientific Committee. These judges will not have relevant conflicts of interest. The judges will score each presentation and at the end of the session will come to a consensus on which presentation should receive the award. The decision of the judges is final.
Conflict of interest of Scientific and Meetings Committee members and the judges are taken into account during abstract scoring and judging the winner.
Conflict of interest of Scientific and Meetings Committee members and the judges are taken into account during abstract scoring and judging the winner.
Recent Awardees
2023 Winner: Samanta M Zwaag
Performance of the ICU requirement score (IRS) in predicting the need for ICU admission of intoxicat-ed adult patients: the INTOXICATE study.
Zwaag SM(1), Hunault CC(1), de Lange DW(1,2), Ferrer-Dufol A(3), Topeli A(4), Lindqvist E(5,6), Patrick Druwé(7), Laubner-Sakalauskiene G(8), Elhadi M(9), Rezar R(10), Baker S(11,12)
1 Dutch National Poisons Information Centre (NPIC), University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands;
2 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands;
3 Unit of Clinical Toxicology, Clinic University Hospital, Zaragoza University, Zaragoza, Spain;
4 Hacettepe University Ankara, Ankara, Turkey;
5 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, South Hospital Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden;
6 Department of Clinical Science and Education, South Hospital Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden;
7 Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium;
8 Faculty of Medicine, Toxicology Centre, Republican Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania;
9 Faculty of Medicine, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya;
10 Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria;
11 Intensive Care Unit, Redcliffe Hospital, Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia;
12 Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
2022 Winner: Sepun Wedasingha
Comparing bedside coagulation assays for detecting venom-induced consumption coagulopathy following viper bites in Sri Lanka.
Wedasingha S(1), Isbister GK(1), Siribaddana S(1), Seneviratne K(1), Silva A(1).
1 Division Faculty of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Saliyapura, Sri Lanka.
Former awardees
Taylor & Francis Award
The Taylor & Francis Awards are offered to the Best Case Report and the Best Scientific Presentation.
Since 2008 Taylor & Francis offers two awards for the Best Case Report and the Best Scientific Presentation.
Any original submission to the meeting of a) a scientific presentation of b) a single case report or a small number of cases, via the usual abstract submission process can be considered for these awards, except for invited keynote or plenary lectures and those that have already been short-listed for the Young Investigator's Award. There are no restrictions on age and authors do not have to be EAPCCT members.
All original submitted abstracts are subject to a blinded reviewing process involving at least eight separate reviewers. Accepted abstracts are short-listed on the basis of the eligibility criteria and overall mean quality scores provided by teh reviewers. Short listed authors are informed in advance of the meeting. The winners are chosen by a panel of at least three judges. Their decision will be final.
Winners will be awarded a certificate, expedited publication of their presentation in Clincal Toxicology (subject to acceptance via the usual manuscript review process) and 500 USD.
Any original submission to the meeting of a) a scientific presentation of b) a single case report or a small number of cases, via the usual abstract submission process can be considered for these awards, except for invited keynote or plenary lectures and those that have already been short-listed for the Young Investigator's Award. There are no restrictions on age and authors do not have to be EAPCCT members.
All original submitted abstracts are subject to a blinded reviewing process involving at least eight separate reviewers. Accepted abstracts are short-listed on the basis of the eligibility criteria and overall mean quality scores provided by teh reviewers. Short listed authors are informed in advance of the meeting. The winners are chosen by a panel of at least three judges. Their decision will be final.
Winners will be awarded a certificate, expedited publication of their presentation in Clincal Toxicology (subject to acceptance via the usual manuscript review process) and 500 USD.
2023 Winners
- Best Scientific Presentations:
A prospective validation study of a clinical decision instrument for head computed tomography in intoxicated patients presenting to the emergency department.
McNulty R(1,2), Hegh M(3), Xu E(2), Butler E(1), Gunja N(1)
1 Western Sydney Toxicology Service, Sydney, Australia;
2 Emergency Department, Blacktown-Mt Druitt Hospitals, Sydney, Australia;
3 School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia;
Reversible and transient thrombocytopenia induced by snake C-type lectin-like proteins (snaclecs) from nose-horned viper venom.
Dobaja Borak M(1), Požek K(2), Grenc D(1), Leonardi A(2), Kurtović T(3), Reberšek K(4), Podgornik H(4,5), Trampuš Bakija A(6), Halassy B(3), Križaj I(2), Brvar M(7).
1 Centre for Clinical Toxicology and Pharmacology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
2 Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
3 Centre for Research and Knowledge Transfer in Bio-technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia;
4 Department of Haematology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
5 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
6 Division of Pediatrics, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
7 Centre for Clinical Toxicology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University Medical Centre Ljubljana and Centre for Clinical Physiology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Best Case Reports:
Shortages of medications for alcohol withdraw-al treatment in the US and Europe: a five year analysis. Counts CJ, Love JS. Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine, New York City, NY, USA. Risk factors for deliberate selfpoisoning among children and adolescents in the Netherlands: a prospective study. Thoonen IMJ, Rietjens SJ, van den Hengel-Koot IS, de Lange DW, Koppen A. Dutch Poisons Information Center, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Central European and EU Accession Countries
Special awards are available for EAPCCT membership and for Congress attendance for applicants from certain European countries (see here).
1. EAPCCT Membership
One EAPCCT membership is awarded per country per annum. This includes on-line access to Clinical Toxicology and all the normal rights and benefits of full membership.
Applicants should
Applicants should
- be a single member of a poisons centre of clinical department from an applicable country (see above).
- Prioritiy will be given to new applicants under the age of 40
- No individual may receive this award more than twice
2. Congress Attendance
Two congress attendance awards are granted per country per annum. The award permits reduced rate registration (at the existing student rates) and free admission to the pre-congres continuing education day.
Applicants should
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Applicants should
- be a single member of a poisons centre or clinical department from a country on the inclusive list above
- have submitted an abstract accepted for oral or poster presentation at the meeting
- Prioritiy will be given to new applicants under the age of 40
- No individual may receive this award more than twice
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Non-European Countries
Special awards are available for Congress attendance for applicants from certain non-European countries.
One congress attendance award is granted per eligible country per annum, with a maximum of 5 awards for non-European Countries. The award permits reduced rate registration (at the existing student rates) and free admission to the pre-congress continuing education day.
Applicants should
- have submitted an abstract which has been accepted for oral or poster presentation at the meeting
- Priority will be given to new applicants under the age of 40
- No individual may receive this award more than twice
- If more than five applications are received their abstract review scores will be used to decide who receives the awards.
- Eligible countries are those outside Europe (that is, countries not on the European countries congress attendance award list), which had a Gross National Income per capita, using the World Bank Atlas method, equal to or lower than 25,973 US Dollars for the most recent year as per data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GNP.PCAP.CD (usually 2018).
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Last updated 18 10 2023